SNAP Course Page (01) π¨
Sticky Sidebar
About This Section
This SNAP Course Page Template main feature is a sticky sidebar that has the key information needed to convert your website visitors into paying customers.
SNAP Design Page templates will use the information provided inside the SNAP Information sections. The settings in this section will allow you to change the default styles, hide sections and content and other design options SNAP uses the default color settings that you have chosen with your Thinkific Theme Settings. In some cases there may be some "conflict" with colors in the design. If you see missing content or hard to see content, then adjust the Theme settings or set a custom color setting in this section. The setting will indicate what color setting is being used by default.
Background - this controls the color of the background for the sidebar
Custom Color Price? - checking this box will enable the custom color option. By default, this color will be the Theme Button Background
Custom Color Savings? - this controls the color of the savings area (when enabled)
Strike Price - the price that is displayed with a strikethrough
Show quick attributes - when enabled, this will show the quick attributes section
Attributes Text - color of the quick attributes text
Attributes Icon - color of the quick attributes icon
Show includes list - when enabled, this will show the includes section
Includes List Heading - the color of the includes list heading
Includes List Text - the color of the includes list text
Custom Color Includes List Icon? - when enabled, you can change the default color that the list icon uses
Show social share icons - when enabled, it will show the social share icons. These icons will trigger a social "share this page" popup on the social platform that was clicked
Start Position From Top - this will control how far down the position of the sidebar will start off at. Moving it to the left will lower the sidebar and moving to the right will raise it (desktop only). The size of the banner content will effect the position as well.
Stick Position From Top - this will control the position from the top of the page that the sidebar will stick (Desktop only). This is really important when you have a sticky navigation bar. It also depend on the amount of content you may have inside the sidebar based on the options
Banner Section
Custom Background Color Heading? - when enabled this will use the custom color settings
Background - the custom color used for the background
Custom Color Heading? - when enabled, the heading color will change based on the color you choose
Custom Color SubHeading? when enabled, the subheading color will change based on the color you choose
Show Instructor? - when enabled, the instructor will be shown in the banner section
Use SNAP Course Information Banner Image? - when checked this will enable the background image provided in the SNAP Course Information banner instead of the background color. You can also set the Image Focal Point to position the image properly
When using background images - please be sure to not select any images where text is included. These images will automatically be cropped to fill the space provided. You will see different parts of the image on different size screens. Also, be sure to darken/lighten the image so that the text stand out.
Heading Size (Desktop), Heading Size (Mobile), SubHeading Size (Desktop), SubHeading Size (Mobile) - this will control the size of the text used for the heading and subheadings in both desktop and mobile sizes
Video Section
Video Type - this setting will control the type of video that is used in the SNAP Design.
Inline - will show the video within the content area
Popup - will show the video in a popup when the play icon is clicked
The video that is used is controlled by the SNAP Course Information setting. be sure to set this in order to enable this feature
Overview Section
Use this section? -when enabled the Course Overview section will be shown
Custom Color Heading? - when enabled, a custom color will be used for the section heading
Custom Color SubHeading? - when enabled a custom color will be used for the summary content. Any custom color used in the rich text editor will be used when specified
What You Will Learn Section
Use this section? - when enabled, the What you will learn section will be shown
Custom Background Color? - when enabled the background color can be changed
Custom Color Heading? - when enabled the section heading color can be changed
Custom Color SubHeading? - when enabled the section subheading color can be changed
Custom Color List Text? - when enabled the section list text color can be changed
Custom Color List Icon? - when enabled the section list icon color can be changed
Requirements Section
Use this section? - when enabled, the Requirements section will be shown
Custom Background Color? - when enabled the background color can be changed
Custom Color Heading? - when enabled the section heading color can be changed
Custom Color SubHeading? - when enabled the section subheading color can be changed
Custom Color List Text? - when enabled the section list text color can be changed
Custom Color List Icon? - when enabled the section list icon color can be changed
Who is this course for Section
Use this section? - when enabled, the Who is this course for section will be shown
Custom Background Color? - when enabled the background color can be changed
Custom Color Heading? - when enabled the section heading color can be changed
Custom Color SubHeading? - when enabled the section subheading color can be changed
Custom Color List Text? - when enabled the section list text color can be changed
Custom Color List Icon? - when enabled the section list icon color can be changed
Curriculum Section
Use this section? - when enabled, the Curriclumn section will be shown
Custom Color Heading? - when enabled the section heading color can be changed
Curriculum List - when enabled the section list text color can be changed
Curriculum Icon - when enabled the section list icon color can be changed
Instructor Section
Use this section? - when enabled, the Instructor section will be shown
Custom Color Heading? - when enabled the section heading color can be changed
Custom Color Summary? - when enabled the section summary color can be changed
Reviews Section
Use this section? - when enabled, the Reviews section will be shown
FAQ Section
Use this section? - when enabled, the Instructor section will be shown
Custom Color Section Heading? - when enabled the section heading color can be changed
Custom Color Section Question? - when enabled the faq question color can be changed
Custom Color Answer? - when enabled the faq answer color can be changed
Last updated