Activation: Build Your Own Section

This section is required on any pages that are using "The Captain" Build Your Own sections. Place this section above other "The Captain" sections

How to use this section

Section Settings


This settings group controls how "The Captain" Build Your Own sections function.

Animate on Scroll:

Check this box to have animation enabled for "The Captain" Build Your Own sections. The animation will be triggered on scrolling into and out of view

Custom Code:

Place a code snippet that you would like to use on the page. Note: this is an advanced feature and should only be used when instructed to do so (or you know what you are doing)

Section Reveal Timer

Use section reveal timer?

When checked will reveal sections that have been enabled to hide until timer expires. Check the guide on how to use this feature

When to reveal (seconds)

This will reveal any section that has been enabled to hide until the reveal timer is expired.

Last updated