Course Tabs
This provides a nice way to feature many courses in a small amount of "real estate". It will create "tabs" of courses and is great for "special" lists for example: "What's New", "Featured Courses", "Popular Courses". The content is manually managed and will be automatically populated from specific "bundles" that you specify.
How to use this section
Section Settings
Heading - this is the main part of the text. It allow for special highlghting by wrapping words in brackets ex:
Heading (All Courses Tab) - the all courses link will be used as a link on the far right, above the tabbed content. This setting controls the text for the link
Course Cards
Use course name? - enables or disables the course name to appear on the course card
Use course description? - enables or disables the course description from appear on the course card
Use course price? enables or disables the course price from appearing on the course card
Left Attribute - This will determine what will be shown on the lower left hand corner of the card. Choose between ratings, # of lessons, instructor name, price, category or nothing.
Right Attribute - This will determine what will be shown on the lower right hand corner of the card.Choose between ratings, # of lessons, instructor name, price, category or nothing.
Ratings Icon - this determines the icon to use for the rating attribute when used
Lessons Icon - this determines the icon to use for the rating attribute when used
Instructor Icon - this determines the icon to use for the rating attribute when used
Category Icon - this determines the icon to use for the rating attribute when used
For icons, we have included Font Awesome 6.x icons library. Copy and paste a Font Awesome icon code into a setting that is expecting an icon code
Style & Colors
Use page background color? - when unchecked, choose the color you wish to use for the background color of this section
Use theme heading color? - when unchecked, choose the color you wish to use for the heading
Use theme button color for highlight? - when unchecked, choose the color you wish to use for the color of the highlighted active tab
Course Card Background - when unchecked, choose the color of the course card background
Course Card Heading - when unchecked, choose the color of the course card heading
Course Card Sub Heading - when unchecked, choose the color of the course card subheading
Course Card Price- when unchecked, choose the color of the course card price
Bundle Block Settings
Having at least one of these block settings is required.
Bundle: Create "bundles" to be used for courses that will be displayed here. The bundles do not need to be a product that you sell and can be in draft mode. The bundle can be used just for the intent of controlling the order and what is displayed here
Last updated